Web Resources :

click on a link to visit a website
Queen's University
Discovery Education Free Teacher Resources
The Association of Supervision & Curriculum Development
Grant Wiggins presents "The Case for Authentic Assessment"
Dr. Ruth Loring - expert on Rubric Design
Degree Jungle's Guide to Conquering Distractions

Print Resources :

Arter, J. (1999). Performance Criteria: Integrating Assessment & Instruction. The High School Magazine. Volume 6, Number 5, March 1999. Naples, Florida.


Arter, Judith A., Blum, Robert E. A Handbook for Students Performance Assessment in an Era of Restructuring. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 1996. ISBN 087 1202670


Black, Paul and Wiliam, Dylan. Inside the Black Box - Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment. Phi Delta Kappan. October 1998. Pp. 139-148.


Goodrich, H. Understanding Rubrics. Educational Leadership, December/January 1996/1997. Pp.14 -17


Schnitzer, S. (1993) Designing An Authentic Assessment. Educational Leadership, April. Pp. 32-35


Stiggins, Richard J. Are You Assessment Literate? The High School Magazine. March 1999. Pp. 20 - 23



Stiggins, Richard J. Student- centred Classroom Assessment. New York: Prentice Hall. 1996. ISBN 013 4329317.
Taggart, GermaineL., Phifer, Sandra J. , Nixon, Judy A., Wood, Marilyn. Rubrics A Handbook for Construction and Use. Technomic Publishing Company, Inc. 1998. ISBN 1-56676-652-4.


Wiggins, G. (1995) What is a Rubric? A Dialogue on Design and Use. In: A Handbook for Student Performance Assessment in an Era of Restructuring. (see above).


Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. Understanding By Design. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Alexandria Virginia. 1998. ISBN 087 1203138


Wiggins, Grant. Educative Assessment, Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve Student Performance. San Francisco: Prentice Hall. 1998. ISBN 078 7908487




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